The Centers for Advanced Orthopaedics is redefining the way musculoskeletal care is delivered across the region with locations throughout Maryland, DC, Virginia and Pennsylvania.
New and improved technology and advancement in science has now allowed you to use your own cells to repair cartilage in your knee.
What is the MACI procedure?
MACI stands for Matrix-Induced Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation. If you and your physician decide to follow through with the MACI procedure, there are a few steps you’ll take before the implant. To begin, you will have a minimal invasive arthroscopic procedure to obtain a sample of your own cartilage cells. These cells are called chondrocytes. Chondrocytes help provide structure and support in the body. Once the sample is collected, it is sent to a laboratory to allow the cells to grow. It is then placed onto a specialized collagen membrane that is then used as the transplant for the MACI procedure.
Who is eligible?
MACI is typically suitable for patients with isolated, full-thickness cartilage defects in the knee that are not responding to other treatments. Patients should be in good overall health and have a healthy knee joint other than the damaged area.
What happens during the procedure?
Depending on the physician’s decision, the procedure could be performed through a mini arthrotomy or a minimal invasive arthroscopic option. The surgeon will remove all the damaged cartilage in the knee and then shape the implant to match the defect.
What happens after the procedure?
Rehabilitation plays a crucial part in returning to your prior level of function. For the first 3 months, you will have an active routine that consists of walking and stairs with the assistance of standard crutches. The next 3 to 6 months, you will focus on being active and building strength. You will have the opportunity to return to low-impact recreational activities. For the last 6 to 9 months, you may return to pre-injury sporting activities such as running and weight training.
Contact a MACI mentor who will help guide you through the process and eliminate the fears and worries of following through with the procedure. The MACI procedure is individualized and is designed to help you reach specific goals. If you think you may benefit from this procedure, contact your physician and seek advice.